Jesus, can You see my faith?
I’m not asking if You’re able, if You have the eyes for it. I’m just inquiring if my petition to You looks like faith at all. Is there anything the size of a seed in my seeking, in my thanks and praise, in my clearly-stated desire, in my satisfaction for even a small thing from your great hands?
I’m considering the woman whose blood-life flowed out of her for 12 years and she fought her way through culture and a crowd to touch Your garment and received the desire of her quest and You said her faith made her well. (John 4)
I also consider the four friends of the paralytic man who carried him, one day especially, and climbed a roof and tore away the barrier between You and him and You saw the faith they had for their friend to walk and so You said, Son, your sins are forgiven you, and declared him walking. (Mark 2)
I think about ten lepers calling loudly to You across a distance, Jesus have mercy! And the one Samaritan leper who glorified and thanked You at your feet for his cleansing and You said, Arise, go your way, your faith has made you well. (Luke 17)
I remember a blind beggar also crying out over a noisy crowd, Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me! And You stopped and looked at him and asked what he wanted—Lord that I may receive my sight!—and You told him to receive his request, your faith has made you well. (Luke 18)
And about the centurion who came to You with fervent compassion for his servant—I understand Your authority; only speak a word and my servant will be healed. And, Jesus, You marveled at his faith and told him, Go your way and as you have believed so let it be done for you. (Matthew 8)
And the Canaanite woman whose daughter was demon possessed—Have mercy! She worshiped you, pleading for your help… even dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the masters’ table. You spoke to this mother’s heart, O woman, great is your faith; let it be to you as you desire. (Matthew 15)
Did these faith-full seekers have deep biblical knowledge? Had they been walking in relationship with God for decades? Had they bolstered their courage with hours of sermon podcasts? No, they simply brought their belief and confidence in the PERSON of Jesus TO Jesus; the word ‘faith’ likely never crossed their mind before He named it for them in that moment—your faith, your great faith.
Apparently faith is a really big deal to Jesus, simply by these examples alone; He made a point to tell these this is what you’re doing now, so they would know and we would know. Your coming to Me, believing in Me, trusting in Me, relying on Me, hopping outside of yourself to figure out a way on your own? That’s faith, so you’ll know next time exactly what it is that was at work here, together with Me. There’s power and life and rescue in faith.
The word also teaches we’re saved by faith (Ephesians 2:8-9), healed by faith (see scriptures in above examples), and it is by faith that we live (2 Corinthians 5:7, Habakkuk 2:4). Wow!
Faith is the instrument FOR but the power OF Christ; the power of faith IS Christ.
Faith is a gift given us by God, a means, a ‘how we are able’, a ‘this is what you’ll need to believe in Me and trust Me for’ because He knew it was beyond us as humans, to come to God for God-size things, to believe in God, to trust and have confidence in Him for our supernatural kingdom reality. He knew we couldn’t do it so He gifted us what we needed; using faith is us bringing this gift back to him for whatever. The inner workings, the power source, of this faith gift is Christ, not of ourselves, not in our own strength; the power of faith is the Person of Christ; He is the object of faith. The only means of ability that faith has IS Christ.
Jesus, I need to be well.
Jesus, I have this thing in my body, in my heart, in my thoughts, in my past.
Jesus, I have a loved one who needs what only You can give.
Jesus, we’re tired of bleeding.
Jesus, we’re weary of sin-paralysis.
Have mercy, Jesus, we require the deep cleansing of Your blood.
Jesus, Son of David, we’re so stinkin blind, to truth and You and the reality of self.
Lord, we have family and friends who are dreadfully tormented.
Jesus, we are full and taken over by what is not You or is radically against You.
Jesus, merciful one, we call to You, we touch You, Healer, Purifier; we bring this gift of trust and confidence in You for every need. We believe (but help us when we don’t). Jesus, can you see my faith?
O woman, great is your faith; let it be to you as you desire.
image by matthew henry on unsplash