
War and Why

War and thanksgiving.
Seems an unlikely pairing, but yet concurrent seasons at the moment.
In grateful reflection and the unavoidable reality of more and newer ongoing wars, I went back to some things I had written during the early days of the Russia-Ukraine war in 2022. I share part of those thoughts here today.

April 22, 2022 – Day 57
I had something on my mind.
My husband is former military so he seemed just the right person to discuss the topic of my concern. My plan was to be a big girl and talk about grown-up things, but the moment the breath of the first words passed my lips, the tears choked them back. I paused a few seconds before trying again.
“I don’t understand war”, I managed to stammer out.
“Is this really how it’s supposed to work? Why is it ok for oppressed people to beg and cry out for help and not get what they’re asking for?”
We were both quiet for a moment before I added, “It seems like an extremely outsized version of a bully on a playground, harassing, taunting, mistreating another, maybe smaller, weaker, and defenseless. Many folks walk by and see but never jump in to help. It’s ridiculous and the ultimate in unfair and I just don’t have the words…” More silence.
He doesn’t disagree; it’s just that there’s not an answer or logic that either of us are ok with.
At the moment, I’m referencing the war in Ukraine, invaded by Russia (the ‘Orcs’ as Ukrainians have so aptly nicknamed them).

We know history; there has always been war, this is not the only war, this will not be the last war. Peoples and groups for all kinds of reasons are being cruelly oppressed and destroyed all over the world—today, right now. Because of religion, because of where they’re born, because of color or nationality, because of geography, because of choices, because of prejudice, because of lies. My brain knows this and so I know this particular war is not unique, more or less awful, more or less important, than any other (those in the thick of it would beg to differ I’m sure). But this one is in our face at this time, every second played out live on the world stage and so the plight of Ukraine is gripping my heart, causing me to consider the subject of war more deeply and broadly.

In a broad sense—if I think this is an isolated instance of conflict only affecting these certain people in this one place at this one time and then it’s done… until the next one. But also broad in that I must face the existence and reality of war, not just in bits and pieces that I can see or don’t have knowledge of because it isn’t being publicized, but as Christians there is a war for our soul every day.

And considering deeply—because along with the aggression and oppression we’re given a window to with current world events, we must know that this same relentless treatment comes against us personally in some form or fashion—body soul and spirit—by our enemy, God’s enemy.

Can we look at wars in the world for a moment so we can see the spiritual reality going on within ourselves? It’s vital that we not look away so that when we look at Jesus, we can somehow grasp and take firm hold of all He really did for us! He sent His Spirit to reside in us and He is ultimately victorious for eternity, but our common enemy—satan, the thief, the liar—is literally hell-bent on tearing us away from any minutes of our promised reality.

Worldly oppressors, out of greed, control, and fear, prey on those they see as threats to what they desire, what they perceive as rightfully theirs, or just want to eliminate entirely. Satan is this same kind of oppressor, the ultimate bully, out to destroy mankind.

My torn-up heart wanted a makes-sense answer to fit inside the box so I could ‘feel better’ about destruction, so I could just let it go already and get on with my self-life unaffected by ‘other peoples problems’. But there’s not a logical world answer for wars on the ground or wars in the heart. There is an answer, though, straight from Jesus’ mouth:

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. ~John 10:10

It’s actually the perfect answer and succinct, two sentences.
Fact: There is one who only steals, kills, and destroys.
Promise: But there is One who gives life—gave life—more abundant than anything we’ve known of life (or destruction) so far. Overflowing, substantial, extensive, lavish, boundless, full, generous, peace-filled, inexhaustible, infinite.

In the verses following that in John 10, Jesus tells that He is the Good Shepherd who gives His life for the sheep (that’s us); gives, not takes. I wholeheartedly believe His promise and am beyond-words thankful!! But I still wrestle with the why, though; why must things be this way, why war, on the ground and in hearts; why is this ok, why must this go on?

Because it’s just not time.

The Lord does not delay and is not tardy or slow about what He promises, according to some people’s conception of slowness, but He is long-suffering (extraordinarily patient) toward you, not desiring that any should perish, but that all should turn to repentance. ~2 Peter 3:9 AMPC

And The Message translation:
God isn’t late with his promise as some measure lateness. He is restraining himself on account of you, holding back the End because he doesn’t want anyone lost. He’s giving everyone space and time to change.

It’s HIS promise according to HIS fulfillment for HIS purposes in HIS timing. He loves all of us—yes, even oppressors, even bullies, even ones with perceived righteous causes; He wants us all to turn to Him.

So what does this have to do with war? Our eyes and ears have a hard time processing physical destruction as ‘spiritual conflict’ but make no mistake; every war, every at-odds that includes fear, destruction, terror, division and separation, lies, misdirection, or death, regardless of whether it is country against country, religion against religion, spouse against spouse, self against self, is sourced in spiritual roots.

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. ~Ephesians 6:12

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds… ~2 Corinthians 10:3-4

Unfairness, inhumanity, horror will never sit well with those whose hearts are rooted and established in God’s love; we didn’t get an easy button with our salvation.

War hurts… whether outside in the world or inside our own hearts.
No matter what our life experience, in our souls, our homes, or half a world away, we can be willing and ready to share burdens, squelch disinformation, armor-up wrapped in truth, and be discerning in opportunities to serve and share love—as we go, to preach—loving God, loving others, loving ourselves, and even praying for those who persecute (Matthew 5:44).

Whatever it costs us, Jesus paid it.


image by soroush karimi on unsplash