
A Great and Mighty Thing

I entered a time of fasting with a laundry list of what I was seeking—guidance, direction, resolution, restoration, for a variety of life stuff. Late morning on day two, though, I realized my list of requests and concerns was fading into the background of just quiet and being still. I resisted at first (why?) because how would I get the answers I thought I needed during this time and shouldn’t I be efficient with this not-very-long fasting season? Furiously demanding, checkboxing a list of to-get-dones, focusing on my personal expectations. Instead, I discerned that something more vital was in play—simply spending quiet time with Jesus; together, connecting, basking in knowing Him deeper and more intimately, loving on Him, graciously receiving His freely-given love, lingering awestruck and refreshed in His presence.

I was reminded of the Amplified Classic version of Jeremiah 33:3, how it speaks to my longing heart:
Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know…

When I consider what fenced in might mean, it could be I haven’t been ready to see what’s behind the gate, not prepared, not mature in some area, maybe it’s not quite time. Or very likely, I’m the one who built a fence of pride, lack of trust, thinking my way is best; of unhealed hurts, anger, disappointment, impatience—any number of ways that keep out (or keep in) that keep me from knowing what I truly need to know.

Yet sometimes the great and mighty thing, fenced and hidden is simply that God loves us…

Isn’t that a pretty great and mighty thing?
Not some earth-shattering revelation. Not the finished product we think we’re after. Not the neatly tied resolution we deem required. Not the way we thought He should have already answered.

But that He wants us to come to Him and ask Him FOR Him, promising He’ll answer our desirous approach and show us His wonder that we haven’t yet seen, recognized, or understood.
Knowing Him.
Knowing His love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, faithfulness, closeness, patience, goodness… things tucked away that He wants to un-fence and un-hide and pour into us if we’ll get close and stop wiggling and give Him a chance to be the God and good Father who SO loves us.

When we allow ourselves the luxurious necessity of quiet, respite—staying—with Him, we’ll gain what we truly require.

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!

1 John 3:1 NIV (emphasis mine)


image by randy fath on unsplash