
A Prayer for Setting God On High

You are the God of the garden
and the God of the desert.
You are the God of the free
and the God of the oppressed.
The God of those who listen
and the God of those who don’t yet know they have ears.
You are the God of hope
and the hopeless.
There is no other God.
You alone ARE God.
You are God in Africa, Oklahoma, California, and China.
You are the One who meets needs,
satisfies desires,
quiets anxious hearts,
strengthens weary, empowers weak.
You are El Roi and Jehovah Shammah.
You are the God of the cross
and of the empty tomb.
There is power in Your words, God; all that has been and will be came by Your speaking.
You and Your ways and Your thoughts are high above in heaven, over our ways and our thoughts, yet You know all of ours. You also stoop low as Immanuel, to be near and with and present and ground-level where we are on our knees, in times of desperation and in awe declaring Your glory.
You are the God of boundaries and separation. The sun doesn’t shine during times of night; the seas do not flow on high mountain peaks. You brought peace to individual hearts but a sword to divide us from the world, from what isn’t holy.
You are goodness.
You are kindness.
You are salvation.
You are rescue.
You alone are God and so very, very worthy.
Implicit in all You are is overflowing love.

As the heavens are higher than the earth, You are high and lifted up.
You are high and lifted up.


image by massimiliano morosinotto on unsplash