
Hi – I’m honored you’re here!

You didn’t know it but you’re a part of this story. I’m not sure what that looks like for you but I do know it’s true.

God has written us into a unique love story where He designed us as leading characters in it, but yet it is for us and to us – His love, that is – and He reminds us of it each day in some way. My desire is to share what He helps to see – reminders, clarity, encouragement – that we may all draw nearer to Him, growing in loving God and loving His word. In this space that may take the form of devotions or deeper studies, nature photography, beautiful word art, poems, or prayers; whatever the shape, that all would magnify Him.

For many years I had been a Jesus girl (technically) but I didn’t know I was a Jesus girl because I wasn’t knowing Him. Does that make sense? But on the heels of some heavy life stuff, I experienced God prompting to “write all this down”. At the time I didn’t understand His “all of it” answer to my “write what?” question, but after a while I realized He was birthing in me the desire to commune with Him in written form. And so via letters and spaces and punctuation, I began to see Him, hear Him, know Him… and love Him. He was using words to get me His Word.

I’ve since blossomed into what some may call a Bible nerd, friends and family often subjected to the question, “Would you like me to tell you what interesting things I found in the word?”

I pray that whatever you see here would edify and encourage your own passion and fervor in pursuing a deeper knowing of Him.

Loving God. Loving His word.



image by debra