
The Secret’s Out

God announced His presence with us here through a brilliant star and heralding hosts of angels. He wants us to know Him! He’s not hiding, He’s not trying to remain a not-very-well-kept secret. He’s not a wallflower blending in to the surroundings so that we’ll—sshhh—just not see Him.

No, He loved us enough to get us ready in advance, to let us know He Is and He’s on the way. Prophecy hundreds of years prior; John the Baptizer, sandals-on-the-ground just before, preparing the way. Hey, Someone’s coming. It’s a big deal. Things are gonna change; nothing will ever be the same. Behold all things will become new.

He put Himself in plain sight since the beginning of time. You may have noticed trees or mountains or oceans or elephants or babies or colors in a sunset we don’t even know names for. Yeah, that’s Him. He is the hope of the gospel which was preached to every creature under heaven, after all.

One of the names given to all His love wrapped in flesh Jesus is Immanuel, meaning “God with us”. No, don’t just read those three words casually all together like any of the other words in this sentence. Pause and really get what it means:

GOD! … with US!

His closest disciples, though arrested and warned time after time “Stop talking about Him“, continued without wavering because they just couldn’t not. Any mystery there may have been has now been revealed. He’s been working in His mighty, mighty ways since from everlasting.

The if-it-ever-was secret is out; He’s here!

He wants us to know Him. Not just hearing, not just reading, not just facts and information, not what other people say. Know-Him, know-Him. Like if someone moved in with you and is there in your space 24/7.

What more could he do to convince us beyond what He has already done?
Do we need more proof, more sacrifice?
Do we need to see more of His faithfulness, more evidence of His unchanging nature? He already gave us ALL of Him; what else are we looking for?

He’s here. He’s not a secret. What are you doing about it?


image by debra